Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sophia Stationery

My how they grow up fast. Seems like just yesterday we were making a 5th birthday card for Duckpin's youngest printer. Fast-forward a year and and half and she's now a full-fledged intern. To congratulate our newest assistant, we made her her very own stationery. She did us the favor of adorning it with a self portrait. Thank you, Sophia, for spicing up our refrigerator door art collection.

Click on photos for wicked big versions.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Siding Signage

While traveling through the small town of Aquasco, Maryland, this summer, we spied this old building embalmed in it's own kudzu. Fittingly, it advertises various undertaker services -- including embalming.

Also fitting is that this phenomenon of faded advertisements is referred to as ghost signage. There are several collections of images out, and we sometimes visit them for typographic inspiration. Perhaps the most apropos one we've stumbled across is a ghost sign advertising Casper Beer. Boo!