Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Origin of the Poop Rainbow

While the phenomenon of the poop rainbow™ occupies waaaaay too much of our time, we never really paused to consider its origins. That is, until we saw this obituary in yesterday's Washington Post.

Fans of DC's Metro subway system owe a debt of gratitude to the recently deceased Cleatus Barnett. According to the obit, he was a staunch advocate for Metro's unique aesthetic, as embodied by its original design. Let's hear it from the Post:

Mr. Barnett was a staunch defender of Metro's original orange, gold and brown interior hues. He had helped choose the color-combination and resisted efforts to change it, even when popular opinion deemed it an ugly throwback to bygone times.

Eventually, train chairs were upholstered in burgundy and blue. But in deference to Mr. Barnett, seats at the front and back of each car retained the old palette. The chairs are known as "Cleatuses."

Some think that finding the origin of a rainbow leads to a pot of gold. In this case, it leads to the late Mr. Barnett. Thank you, sir, for introducing the poop rainbow™ to the Nation's Capital. You can rest easy knowing that others appreciate your legacy. And, thanks to you, we can rest easy in one of Metro's "Cleatuses."

1 comment:

  1. It's ironic that poop was popular on the Metro back at the Bi-Centennial when the Metro was first introduced to our Nation's Capitol and still exists today in Washington, but extends beyond the Metro. That may be a smear on our politicians, but "it is what it is."

    In any event, thank you for the reminder of a thirty-five year old tradition that remains strong.
