Thursday, February 4, 2010

DesignBot 3000

Whenever a new version of InDesign or Photoshop is released, it's the first thing I look for: the as-of-yet-invented AutoDesign tool. Just imagine: with one touch, your entire project could be designed. Touch the button again and -- whamo! -- it redesigns your project. Hit it again and get a third iteration. This button would revolutionize the industry.

And it would put me out of work.

For that, I fear the AutoDesign tool. In a heartbeat, it can eliminate a wide swath of skilled artisans, much like the Linotype did to typesetters. I often joke about my job being replaced by DesignBot 3000 -- the cute, electronic, alogarithmic version of me. That joke could be becoming more of a reality now, with the release of the addLib iPhone app. It takes any photo stored on your phone and -- whamo! -- creates a graphic image based on "educated theories". The above images are examples of addLib's work, and frankly, it looks better than a lot of stuff I've designed. So is this just another app... or my future replacement?

Thanks to Chippy for the tip.


  1. With your imagination and sense of design and originality, my guess is that you could have designed the features you suggested. Maybe adLib should contact you about becoming their main designer. Go ahead, send them a link to your blog. If they hire you, do I get a finders fee?

  2. Anon:
    Please read the post again.
    The imagination and sense of design you mention has, in this instance, been replaced by mathematical formulae. There is no "main designer" anymore, just an automated program that spits out data. No designer, no imagination, no job.

  3. Very scary thought! I was worried about the future talents of our school children, but this is a serious force to be reckoned with!
