Friday, July 17, 2009

Progress as Process

The march of time leaves many remnants in its wake. As letterpressers, we're keenly aware that the treasures in our collection are the detritus of a once-thriving industry. There's a long history built into each font of type we own, and pondering its previous life is a frequent diversion in the shop -- along with playing "what's that smell?"

From old letterpress equipment to rotary phones to manual typewriters, the road to progress is littered with obsolete technology. Red Camper has capitalized on this by taking outmoded film-based slides and upcycling them into handbags and laptop bags. Now you can anachronistically tote around your laptop to upload photos from your vacation in Cleveland. The best part? Instead of struggling to set up a rusty projection screen for a captive audience, you can now bore your friends simply by sending them your Flickr page.

Who says progress isn't wonderful?

1 comment:

  1. Seeing Andy and Steve on your exemplar flickr page sure made the point: "bore your friends" and the rest of the world as well. Oh for that ole rusty projector, hidden from sight by your neighbor who served you a nice dinner and then coaxed you into their living room for an endless night of slides from their recent trip to cousin Ray's farm in Kansas. How I miss those days! Thank you flickr!
