Thursday, July 2, 2009

Beers and Cheers

What better way to celebrate life, liberty, and the pursuit of mullets than a can of Dale's Pale Ale? Happy Independence Day, everyone. Crack open a Dale's and enjoy a celebration of the intersection of design and beer:

Design O'Blog brings you the 20 best examples of beer packaging, including six packs, four packs, and yes, the one pack. Ever wonder what it takes to design that kick-ass beer packaging? This case study is broken down and generously illustrated. Perhaps you're wondering where you can sample some superlative suds? Take a gander at an atlas of award-winning beers, a tasty little infographic. And finally, do you like the scripty typeface in the art above? It's a font influenced by beer labeling, rightly named "Draft Beer Classic" and available for the price of a case of Natty Boh.

Happy birthday, America!

Bonus: from fringe of beer-related design...
Beer pong tables... and lots of 'em.
Listen to the can as you run to the can. What to do with your empties.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe I'm a traditional beer drinker, but it seems to me that any beer that comes in a 2 pack, like they used to deliver milk bottles, hardly qualifies as a beer experience. Perhaps it is the limited number of bottles or their shapes.

    As for some of the other beer packaging, the brand name "Fufu" or "Wanabeeabeer" would be fitting. Ok, maybe I am less an artist than a beer drinker, but beer should be beer, look like beer and taste like beer.
